18 June 2008


One of my favorite places in Wilkes County is Talia, a bistro style coffee house nestled in the heart of downtown North Wilkesboro. They serve Coffee, espressos, lattes, dessert and a seasonal menu of sandwiches, quiche ,pasta and much more. It is owned and operated by my dear friends Jim and Kathy Kozak, whom I met when I first moved here , and have been kind, encouraging and always very supportive of me. They have opened there hearts, home, family and know their business to me. They wanted to help my store get more exposure and suggested that I put some of the items on display. I think it looks great and hope it will do well there and create a sense of excitement for people to come and shop with me. Here are some pictures of the merchandise I displayed with them.

As always THANK YOU Jim and Kathy for all that you do for me....ILY guys!!!!

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