27 June 2008


Happy Anniversary to "the vintage home"Wow! I can't believe it has been 1 year since we opened the store..... I look at this picture and just get a huge smile on my face, seeing Kim, my best friend and then partner and the store behind us looking so good. What a great time of reflection not only for the store but with the relationships with my dearest friends who have been on this journey and all the great new people who have come into my life through the store. A ton of hard work and sleepless nights ( that hasn't changed) and reinventing the store every few months it has been quite an experience, and I would do it all again!!!! I am very grateful to all involved and pray that we can all still be here in another year.

Working hard to knock down, paint and glaze the walls.

Kim pricing and inventorying all the merchandise.

Sewing the front window curtains

Lots of merchandise waiting to be placed and later SOLD!

Anniversary Cont'd

Working ,working, working !!!
The store ready to open for business

The BIG OPENING DAY with the Chamber and friends My friend Joan, always giving moral support,and encouragement all along the way.

Thank you to all who have been involved!

18 June 2008


One of my favorite places in Wilkes County is Talia, a bistro style coffee house nestled in the heart of downtown North Wilkesboro. They serve Coffee, espressos, lattes, dessert and a seasonal menu of sandwiches, quiche ,pasta and much more. It is owned and operated by my dear friends Jim and Kathy Kozak, whom I met when I first moved here , and have been kind, encouraging and always very supportive of me. They have opened there hearts, home, family and know their business to me. They wanted to help my store get more exposure and suggested that I put some of the items on display. I think it looks great and hope it will do well there and create a sense of excitement for people to come and shop with me. Here are some pictures of the merchandise I displayed with them.

As always THANK YOU Jim and Kathy for all that you do for me....ILY guys!!!!

10 June 2008

Wilkes Antique Mall

My friend Joe Campbell owner of Wilkes Antique Mall, has a GREAT 20,000 Square foot Antique Mall right down the rode from my store. It is actually were I got my start in this town, with a booth and then a job working with him. I then branched out and open my store last year. But anytime I need a certain item or better yet a piece of furniture for display, down the road I go to see Joe. Here are some pictures of his store, which can't even capture how fabulous it is in size and merchandise, for that you will have to visit Wilkesboro.....

09 June 2008

June 08 Finds!

We just got in some great new things and I thought we should share them with the world!

The new Welcome signs are in, and I think the black is such a nice update to the interesting vintage scroll-work around the edges. A must-have to make your porch politely greet your friends and family.

We have some new magnets in fleur-de-lis and chickadee shapes. Everything french just says "spring," so the magnets will keep a sunny disposition even when you're sweating through this heatwave.

This mirror is a great new find! Michelle already has a few matching picture frames that we just can't keep on the shelves, and this tin-framed mirror probably isn't far behind them. In cream and dark cherry, we've got a color for your house.

More June Finds!

We just got in some more of these adorable bird prints. In the four colors, you could change them out every season, or just bring some whimsy to your home with all four.

I personally love anything in black and white. It's just so timeless and classy. These frames epitomize those sentiments and would be a great way to display those family photos from yesteryear.

We seem to have frames galore in the vintage home this week. Of course, they're all so wonderful, who could complain? This rose pattern reminds me of those gorgeous old victorian sofas in sitting rooms.

These adorable little frames are distressed and add that beach-feel to any room. There's something about white and blue that is just so clean and fresh.

Finally, our last two frames are my personal favorites. The wooden frame reminds me of so many we had when we were kids, but the crafter has added a tiny border of sage green to keep with the season. It's just a tiny touch that makes the frame perfect. The other frame matches a new mirror we have in the store, both made of pressed tin. It has the look of old designer ceilings that just scream haute-couture.