12 September 2008

Fall Open House Cont'd

Lots more pictures of the store and our open house gathering....

Here are a few of Kim Shumates coasters that are just FABULOUS!!!!

A wonderful black and white area.

Kids area with lots of frames, animals and of course pillows...
And Ugly Dolls, which are really kinda cute..
Magnets and magnet boards..
I made these kitchen towels with "the vintage home" logo and gave as gifts to my customers.
Here is Jayne Cline one of my favorite customers, who came with some really good food!

And Teana Compeau who also made some really good food, and some brownies to die for, I was telling everyone they were no good so there would be lots left for ME!!!! Holly and Eris are in the back ground two women in business for themselves and doing a jam up job!!!
My two new friends Dan and John who have moved here from Charlotte and are opening Wilkestone over in North Wilkesboro, will blog about them in more detail later.

Thanks to everyone who made this evening such a success, people are already asking about a Christmas party...stay tuned

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